Thursday, June 28, 2012

জীবন নদীর তীরে

জীবন নদীর তীরে
বয়ে যায় তরী ধীরে ধীরে।
যতো আশা ভালবাসা
সব ফিরে যায় নীড়ে,
তবু আমি বসে আছি
মম তব তীরে। 

ছিলো কতো ভালবাসা
পথে ঢাকা যতো কুয়াশায়,
দিয়েছ ধুয়ে নতুনের আশায়।
পাই যদি তোমায় সহসা
স্রোতের সাথে ভাসতে পারি,
শুধু দিও এই ভরসা।

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Visual Recommend Footer Hack

If you use visual recomment in your site then you will see there is a footer like the below image:

joomla fresco template june 2012 Rocket theme

Windows 7 – How to Delete Files Protected by TrustedInstaller

Did you know that a lot of files in Windows 7 are not owned by you, even if you are the Administrator? They are instead owned by an entity called the “Trusted Installer”. Such a wonderful sounding name eh!
So that’s not a problem most of the time, unless you need to delete certain system files and folders. You’ll end up getting a message like:
You do not have permission to perform this action.
or something like:
You need authorization from TrustedInstaller in order to perform this action.

Try it

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