Friday, November 28, 2014

Bluementals Rapid PHP 2010 100% Cracked with serial

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Skype Desktop Version for Windows 8, 8.1 Standalone Offline Installer

I am using Skype from windows xp, then windows vista, 7, 8 and 8.1. but in 8.1, the Skype is built-in with windows, it runs as an apps. this is may be a good feature for some people, but for me, i want it at a desktop version, that will display in my desktop at right side, just as like the yahoo messenger. and i am sure there are many other people who are seeking for the desktop Skype, not windows app. then i start searching and .here is what i found. i don't want that you waste your time for searching again and again.... so, here is the offline installer desktop version of Skype.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

SJ Sport Store - Responsive Joomla Template


Sublime Text is the best tool for text editing and coding, markup and prose. Sublime Text 3 supports multiple programming and coding languages and is able to highlight syntax as well. It has a great user interface, amazing performance and extraordinary features. Now Let's discover the main features.

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