Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Tips and Tricks For Your Annoying Windows 8.1 to make Smarter

If you have Windows 8.1, chances are that you hate it, especially if you came from Windows 7 or XP. I deal with this daily since my work desktop is still on Windows 7, while my laptop is on 8, which means I’m pretty miserable every time I have to switch to the latter.

Here are a few ways to make your experience with this infamous operating system a bit more bearable…

ফায়ারওয়াল দ্বারা ওয়ার্ডপ্রেস সাইটের নিরাপত্তা বাড়ান

আজ আপনাদের দেখাবো কিছু ফায়ারওয়াল কোড দ্বারা কিভাবে ওয়ার্ডপ্রেস সাইটকে নিরাপত্তা দেওয়া যায়। এই সামান্য কিছু কোড আপনার সাইটকে করে তুলবে অনেক নিরাপদ। খারাপ ইউজার এজেন্ট, খারাপ আই.পি সহ আরও খারাপ জিনিসের অ্যাক্সেস আপনার সাইট থেকে বন্ধ করে দেওয়া হবে এই কোড দ্বারা। এর জন্য প্রথমেই আপনার সাইটের সিপ্যানেলের রুট ফোল্ডারের .htaccess ফাইলটি ওপেন করে নিচের কোডটুকু পেস্ট করুন।

ব্লগস্পট ব্লগে ডোমেইন যুক্ত করার উপায়

আপনার কি ব্লগস্পটের একটি ব্লগ আছে যা দেখতে অনেকটা এরকম: YOURNAME.BLOGSPOT.COM ? এখন সময় এসেছে এই বিরক্তিকর ইউআরএলটি বদলে .com, .net অথবা .tk জাতীয় কিছুতে রূপান্তর করার। আজকের পোস্টালয়ে আমি ব্যাখ্যা করবো কিভাবে আপনার ব্লগস্পট ব্লগে .tk ডোমেইন সেট করবেন।

যেহেতু .tk ডোমেইনটি ফ্রিতেই দেওয়া হয় তাই আজকে আমাদের এই আয়োজন। তাহলে চলুন শুরু করা যাক। আগেই বলে নেই যে, পুরো বিষয়টি অনেক লম্বা। তাই একটু ধৈর্য্য নিয়ে পড়তে হবে। আমি তিনটি ধাপে পুরো বিষয়টি ব্যাখ্যা করার চেষ্টা করবো।

১ম ধাপ: প্যানেল সেটআপ

Friday, December 19, 2014

Some useful tips for Windows 8.1 - উইন্ডোজ ৮.১ সংস্করন এর কিছু কিছু টিপস...

Windows 8.1 has been one of the most-maligned operating systems in recent memory, and, in my opinion, much of what's been written about it has been misguided, unfair, and just plain wrong. The piling-on Microsoft has experienced in the rollout of its new operating system just goes to illustrate the weakness of the technology journlism field. As a tech journalist, I have some advice for tech fans: Don't rely blindly on tech journalists—try it for yourself! Most tech journalists are concerned with one thing: getting lots of page views. And they know that one sure-fire technique is to take a scathing, negative attitude. I even recently saw a tip-list article telling tech journalists how to up their page views, one of which was simply "Be negative." I would link the article, but its title doesn't meet PCMag's family-friendly standards.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

How To Flash Custom Kernel Using Flashtool

This is a simple tutorial for Flashing A Custom Kernel Using Flashtool. I think most the advanced users know how to do this. But, this tutorial is for beginners. We all know how to flash a firmware using the flashtool. The extension of the firmware is (.ftf) .But, most of the readers are little confused on the .img filetyple kernels. So, this tutorial is going to show flash .img kernel.
How to flash img kernel using flashtool

1. Android Smartphone

Saturday, December 13, 2014

How to Import a Blog to Weebly

Weebly is a free, widget-based blog service that allows you to create a personal or professional blog quickly through its drag-and-drop feature of site elements.

Adobe Flash Player Plugin Standalone Offline Setup

Download Link

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Disabling Driver Signature on Windows 8 (Bengali)

উইন্ডোজ ৭ এ অনেক সফটওয়ার ইন্সটল করতে গেলে Driver Digital Signature Disable করতে হতো। যারা উইন্ডোজ ৮ বা ৮.১ এ আপগ্রেড করেছেন, তারা অনেক সময় এই অপশনটি খুজে পান না। বিধায় অনেক অসুবিধায় পড়তে হয়। আজ আমি আপনাদের দেখাবো কিভাবে উইন্ডোজ ৮/৮.১ এ Driver Digital Signature Disable করতে হয়।

ইশশ !!! এইভাবে কেউ চলে যায় ??

দু'টো মানুষ !!
একসাথে কত পথ চলা
হাতে হাত রেখে কথা বলা .....
কেন সব ভুলে অবহেলায় ?
কেন শেষমেশে এসে বিদায় ?

একা - শিরোনামহীন

একা - শিরোনামহীন

রাত্রি ক্লান্ত জীর্ন শীর্ন আঁধো চাঁদের আলো
পিচ ঢালা পথ কখনো ধূসর কখনও বা কালো

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Skype Desktop Version for Windows 8, 8.1 Standalone Offline Installer

I am using Skype from windows xp, then windows vista, 7, 8 and 8.1. but in 8.1, the Skype is built-in with windows, it runs as an apps. this is may be a good feature for some people, but for me, i want it at a desktop version, that will display in my desktop at right side, just as like the yahoo messenger. and i am sure there are many other people who are seeking for the desktop Skype, not windows app. then i start searching and .here is what i found. i don't want that you waste your time for searching again and again.... so, here is the offline installer desktop version of Skype.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

SJ Sport Store - Responsive Joomla Template


Sublime Text is the best tool for text editing and coding, markup and prose. Sublime Text 3 supports multiple programming and coding languages and is able to highlight syntax as well. It has a great user interface, amazing performance and extraordinary features. Now Let's discover the main features.

Friday, October 31, 2014

How to Delete a Backup That's Synced and Stored on Your Gmail Account

Google's Android operating system lets you back up your data to your Google Account and, if you want, restore that data to a new Android device when you sign in with your Gmail username and password. The backup feature is designed to help you transition between devices easily, but it can become frustrating when you're switching devices often and you don't want Android to install all your apps, settings, and passwords every time you log in to a new device.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Make money using autosurf

I've seen people talk about autosurfs (automatic traffic exchanges, e.g. HitLeap) here. Autosurfing is something I've been doing for years and in this post I'll try to explain how to set everything up so you can autosurf 24/7 and protect your system against viruses.

In the spirit of full disclosure, if I was just starting out, I'd never bother with autosurfs. It takes a while to see any results, and there's not much you can use their traffic for.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Symbols for Facebook Twitter MSN Messenger Instagram etc

You can use these symbols anywhere. Just Copy & Paste it.

Heart symbols
❤ ♡ ❤ ღ
These hearts are some of the most popular love symbols for names, enjoy.

Saturday, September 27, 2014



Here are some tips and tricks that I can share with you with Linkbucks.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Professor Green – Growing Up In Public (Album)

Professor Green – Growing Up In Public (Album)

Turn It Up by Pixie Lott 2014 Full Album Zip Download

Turn It Up

Studio album by Pixie Lott

Turn It Up is the debut studio album by English recording artist Pixie Lott, released on 11 September 2009 by Mercury Records.
Release date: September 11, 2009

Turn It Up by Pixie Lott

Turn It Up

Studio album by Pixie Lott

Turn It Up is the debut studio album by English recording artist Pixie Lott, released on 11 September 2009 by Mercury Records.
Release date: September 11, 2009

Artist: Pixie Lott
Label: Mercury Records

01. Mama Do (Uh Oh, Uh Oh) 3:17
02. Cry Me Out 4:04
03. Band Aid 3:29
04. Turn It Up 3:16
05. Boys and Girls 2:59
06. Gravity 3:36
07. My Love 3:19
08. Jack 3:13
09. Nothing Compares 3:34
10. Here We Go Again 3:05
11. The Way the World Works 3:12
12. Hold Me in Your Arms 3:30
13. Use Somebody 3:03

Download Links

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Internet Download Manager (IDM) 6.21 build 10 Crack & Patch

Internet Download Manager (IDM) 6.21 build 10 Crack & Patch

All About That Bass - Meghan Trainor

"All About That Bass" is the debut single by American artist Meghan Trainor. It was released by Epic Records in June 2014[2] and was co-written by Meghan Trainor and Kevin Kadish. The song was produced by Kevin Kadish. All instruments were played by Kevin Kadish (drums, bass and guitars) and David Baron (piano, saxophone, and Hammond B3 organ). Musically, 'All About That Bass' is a pop and doo wop song that contains lyrics of body positive themes.
from ZippyShare

Monday, September 22, 2014

Taylor Swift - Shake It Off - 2014

Taylor Swift - Shake It Off – This New Song 2014 can be downloaded but the song, lyrics and video are used for a promotion. For you we recommend to buy MP3 songs legally and buy CD / VCD original Taylor Swift - Shake It Off on CD shops in your town.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Ultraviolence - Musical Album by Lana Del Rey


Musical Album by Lana Del Rey

Ultraviolence is the third studio album by American singer-songwriter Lana Del Rey, released on June 13, 2014 by Interscope and Polydor Records. Wikipedia

Release date: June 13, 2014
Artist: Lana Del Rey


1. Cruel World 6:38
2. Ultraviolence 4:09
3. Shades of Cool 5:40
4.  Brooklyn Baby 5:51
5. West Coast 4:15
6. Sad Girl 5:17
7. Pretty When You Cry 3:52
8. Money Power Glory 4:28
9. Fucked My Way Up to the Top 3:30
10. Old Money 4:29
11. The Other Woman 2:58
12. Black Beauty 5:13
13. Guns and Roses 4:29
14. Florida Kilos 4:14

Download Link

The Trade

A Russian named Novich Lorezo worked at Mi7 for six years, he went to many missions and served as a very loyal agent until his last mission for mi7 which proved that he was a double agent working under deep cover leaking classified information to anonymous organizations and agencies for a large sum of money.

He was discharged and had a huge bounty on his head to assassins worldwide, and was thoroughly searched by Mi7 for he had come to know of some dangerous info. But none could pinpoint his location and hunt him down.

In the mean while a group of secret agents at CIA were suspicious about the covert missions they were sent to. They were sent to places they were forbidden to enter and were commanded to collect information that is of no use to the CIA authority but would be a treasure trove to many powerful organizations under the command of their superior Agent Jeffery Larson who was not doubtable.

The CIA authority soon came to know of these covert missions they were sent to. The agents involved on those missions were interrogated and their answers were that they were only following orders.

Those agents who were involved ran an investigation for their superior Agent Jeffery and soon came to know that Jeffery is actually Japanese and he had a unique mark at the end of his neck which proved that he had a surgery to make his facial appearance look American, he changed his birth certificate, his identity, and prepared a death certificate to prove he was dead and most importantly he was not at all a spy but a businessmen, he worked for the Chinese intelligence for 9 years and his skills took him to the top of the food chain at CIA. His business was under a secret organization which was involved  in providing powerful  intel and trade them to various agencies or organization who ordered them in exchange of hundreds of billions of dollars, they also found out that there were many more like him across the globe at the disposal of the same agency and the Mi7 incident was under the authority of this unique organization. All this information they found was encrypted with state of the art, cutting age surveillance technology under the mansion of Jeffery, whose real name turned out to be xing miyung.

Before they could even report the knowledge they gathered, Xing Miyung was already conspicuous about their secret investigations and thus he used his power to turn the CIA against them by telling them that he had never ordered them to go to those missions and they were to be considered potential threats. Hence, they were directly titled rouge and blacklisted for assassination for the CIA. So, they tried to make a run for it and escaped having no other options and they were constantly searched for and hunted. 

 They were in the verge to prove to their authority and give them the evidence of their superior being a double agent; they eventually did, by under going through hardships, fighting their way through their own forces. 

But they failed in capturing xing miyung who escaped beyond notice of CIA authority and became a ripple in the ocean water.

 Although, they had proven their innocence agent xing miyung was lost in the shroud just like the Mi7 incident.

Caption Less

The thundering noise of the helicopter kept me from falling asleep, one other copter was rallying us through.
It was about time we reached the Cambodian rain forest . The morning was young, it was only half past 6..

Friday, June 6, 2014

Ariana Grande - Problem (ft. Iggy Azalea + Solo Version) 320kbps [GWC]

Ariana Grande - Problem (ft. Iggy Azalea + Solo Version) 320kbps [GWC]

Artist: Ariana Grande Ft Iggy Azalea
Album: Problem
Genre: Pop
Year: 2014
Quality: 128kbps
RAR size: 5.78 MB

Ariana Grande Ft Iggy Azalea – Problem (5.77 MB)


Try it

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